July 08, 2011

Kill Bill Volume 2

Kill Bill: Volume 2 was released in early 2004. The volumes follow a character known as "The Bride", a former assassin who seeks revenge on still-active colleagues who massacre members of her wedding party and try to kill her. The movie is often noted for its stylish direction and its homages to film genres such as Hong Kong martial arts films, Japanese chanbara films, Italian spaghetti westerns, girls with guns, and rape and revenge

Movie Synopsis
Flashbacking 4 years ago, to the day the massacre occured. During a wedding rehearsal, Beatrix and her fiancé, along with a group of family friends, decide on the details of the wedding. Beatrix, fully pregnant, takes a break and finds Bill on the balcony of the chapel. The two share some tendered moments, and evantually they go inside, where Bill is introduced as Beatrix's father.
As Tommy walks away, the two kiss, and Bill takes his seat at the bride's side. Moments after, the four members of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad enter the building, and kill all those who were present.

Movie Trailer
Kill Bill Volume 2 Trailer

Movie Credit
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Writers: Quentin Tarantino, Quentin Tarantino (character The Bride)
Stars: Uma Thurman, David Carradine and Michael Madsen

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