Kill Bill Volume 1 is a 2003 action thriller film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. It is the first of two volumes that were theatrically released several months apart. Kill Bill was originally scheduled for a single theatrical release, but with a running time of over four hours, it was separated into two volumes. Kill Bill: Volume 1 was released in late 2003, and Kill Bill: Volume 2 was released in early 2004. The volumes follow a character known as "The Bride", a former assassin who seeks revenge on still-active colleagues who massacre members of her wedding party and try to kill her. The movie is often noted for its stylish direction and its homages to film genres such as Hong Kong martial arts films, Japanese chanbara films, Italian spaghetti westerns, girls with guns, and rape and revenge.
Movie Synopsis
The film opens with an intertitle displaying the quote, "Revenge is a dish best served cold." A pregnant bride (Uma Thurman) lies beaten at her wedding, telling an unseen Bill (David Carradine) that it is his baby, before he shoots her in the head. Sometime later, The Bride finds Vernita Green (Vivica A. Fox) at her home and fights her, but they cease after Vernita's daughter Nikki arrives from school. It is revealed that both women were former members of the Deadly Vipers Assassination Squad; elite assassins under the employ of Bill. The squad was ordered by Bill to attack The Bride's wedding in El Paso, Texas. Vernita attempts to kill her with a revolver hidden in a box of children's breakfast cereal, Kaboom. The shot does not meet its target in The Bride who retaliates with a throwing knife to Vernita's chest, instantly killing her. The Bride offers Nikki revenge should she seek it as an adult before leaving. She then strikes Vernita's name off a checklist, the second after one "O-Ren Ishii" has already been struck off.
Movie Trailer
Kill Bill Volume 1 Trailer
Movie Credit
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Writers: Quentin Tarantino, Quentin Tarantino (character The Bride)
Stars: Uma Thurman, David Carradine and Daryl Hannah
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