The Sitter is an upcoming American comedy directed by David Gordon Green and produced by Michael De Luca. The plot is about a male student who, after being suspended from college, is lured into a babysitting gig for which he is woefully unprepared.
This movie studio is Michael De Luca Productions and a Twentieth Century Fox joint venture. It is being distributed by Twentieth Century Fox, the film was set to be released in theaters on August 5, 2011, but was pushed back to December 9, 2011.
Recently there has been a trailer released of the movie with the Rise of the Planet of the Apes film.
Movie Synopsis
A comedy about a college student on suspension who is coaxed into babysitting the kids next door, though he is fully unprepared for the wild night ahead of him.
Movie Trailer
The Sitter Trailer
Movie CRedit
Director: David Gordon Green
Writers: Brian Gatewood, Alessandro Tanaka
Stars: Jonah Hill, Sam Rockwell and Ari Graynor
This movie studio is Michael De Luca Productions and a Twentieth Century Fox joint venture. It is being distributed by Twentieth Century Fox, the film was set to be released in theaters on August 5, 2011, but was pushed back to December 9, 2011.
Recently there has been a trailer released of the movie with the Rise of the Planet of the Apes film.
Movie Synopsis
A comedy about a college student on suspension who is coaxed into babysitting the kids next door, though he is fully unprepared for the wild night ahead of him.
Movie Trailer
The Sitter Trailer
Movie CRedit
Director: David Gordon Green
Writers: Brian Gatewood, Alessandro Tanaka
Stars: Jonah Hill, Sam Rockwell and Ari Graynor
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