Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street is a 2007 black comedy horror musical film directed by Tim Burton. It is an adaptation of Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler's Tony Award-winning 1979 musical. It re-tells the Victorian melodramatic tale of Sweeney Todd, an English barber who murders his customers with a straight razor and, with the help of his accomplice, Mrs. Lovett, processes their corpses into meat pies.
Having been struck by the cinematic qualities of Sondheim's musical while still a student, Burton had entertained the notion of a film version since the early 1980s. However, it was not until 2006 that he had the opportunity to realize this ambition, when DreamWorks announced his appointment as replacement for director Sam Mendes, who had been working on such an adaptation. Sondheim, although not directly involved, was extensively consulted during the film's production.
Movie Synopsis
Benjamin Barker (Johnny Depp), a skilled barber, returns to London assuming the alias "Sweeney Todd", accompanied by sailor Anthony Hope (Jamie Campbell Bower). Fifteen years earlier, Barker had been falsely charged and sentenced to a life of hard labour in Australia by the corrupt Judge Turpin (Alan Rickman), who had lusted after his wife, Lucy (Laura Michelle Kelly). At Mrs. Nellie Lovett's (Helena Bonham Carter) meat pie shop in Fleet Street, he learns that Lucy poisoned herself with arsenic after Turpin raped her. Todd's teenage daughter Johanna (Jayne Wisener) is now Turpin's ward and, like her mother before her, is the object of Turpin's unwanted affections(he spies on her though a hole in the wall covered up by a painting). Todd vows revenge, reopening his barber shop in the upstairs flat after Mrs. Lovett returns his old straight razors to him.
Movie Trailer
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Trailer
Movie Credit
Director: Tim Burton
Writers: John Logan (screenplay), Stephen Sondheim (musical)
Stars: Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter and Alan Rickman
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