From first-time writer/director David Robert Mitchell comes The Myth of the American Sleepover, a poignant and tender coming-of-age drama. This story follows four young people on the last night of summer - their final night of freedom before the new school year starts. The teenagers cross paths as they explore the suburban wonderland they inhabit in search of love and adventure - chasing first kisses, elusive crushes, popularity and parties. While looking for the iconic teenage experience, they discover the quiet moments that will later become a part of their youth they look back on with nostalgia.
Movie Synopsis
"Sleepover" tells four stories that play out among a sprawling ensemble of teens. As in "Dazed," their world is split between dewy-eyed freshmen and decadent upperclassmen who may be separated by just a few years chronologically, but eons in terms of worldliness.
Eager to transcend that gulf is Maggie (Claire Sloma), who skips out on the all-girls sleepover she was invited to attend in favor of chasing some older boys at a party. Taking her place at the sleepover is Claudia (Amanda Bauer), the new girl in town who attracts the attention of her host's boyfriend.
Rob (Marlon Morton) spends the night in search of a blonde siren with whom he becomes infatuated after a chance encounter at the grocery. On a similar trajectory is Scott (Brett Jacobsen), a college junior who seeks to dull the pain of getting dumped by a girlfriend by going to elaborate lengths to pursue twins (Nikita and Jade Ramsey).
Movie Trailer
The Myth of the American Sleepover Trailer
Movie Credit
Director: David Robert Mitchell
Writer: David Robert Mitchell (screenplay)
Stars: Claire Sloma, Marlon Morton and Amanda Bauer
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