Fearless, known in Chinese as Huo Yuanjia and Jet Li's Fearless in the United Kingdom and the United States, is a 2006 film directed by Ronny Yu and starring Jet Li. It is loosely based on the life of Huo Yuanjia, a famous Chinese martial artist who challenged foreign fighters in highly publicised events, restoring pride and nationalism to China at a time when Western imperialism and Japanese manipulation were eroding the country during the last few years before the birth of the Republic of China. Li stated in an interview that this film is his last wushu martial arts epic, a point also made in the film's television promotions and other publicity.
Fearless was released on January 26, 2006 in Hong Kong, on June 23, 2006 in the United Kingdom, and on September 22, 2006 in the United States.
Movie Synopsis
The film starts with Huo Yuanjia fighting three Westerners: a British boxer, a Belgian lancer and a Spanish fencer. Huo defeats all three of them and has a flashback before the next fight with Anno Tanaka from Japan.
Huo Yuanjia watches his father Huo Endi teaching students martial arts and wants to participate, but his father is concerned about his asthma and refuses to allow him to practice martial arts. Huo Yuanjia then sees his father in a leitai match with another martial artist named Zhao, who won the match dishonorably by retaliating when Huo Endi showed mercy on the final blow. Huo Yuanjia felt humiliated by his father's defeat and vowed to regain his family's honor and pride. He practiced martial arts secretly behind his father's back. As the years passed, Huo Yuanjia defeated several opponents in leitai matches and became one of the most famous martial artists in Tianjin. However, as he became increasingly successful and popular, he also became more arrogant and ruthless towards his opponents. His late father, however, advocated the practice of showing mercy and not doing any serious physical harm to opponents.
Movie Trailer
Fearless Trailer
Movie Credit
Director: Ronny Yu
Writers: Chris Chow, Chi-long To
Stars: Jet Li, Shidô Nakamura and Betty Sun
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