Crime After Crime is a 2011 documentary film directed by Yoav Potash about the case of Deborah Peagler. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2011, and will be shown at the San Francisco International Film Festival in April 2011.
The Los Angeles Times listed the documentary as "a must-see film" and The Hollywood Reporter described the film as "a tremendously moving story, strong in social commitment and deftly woven out of years of footage." The Salt Lake Tribune called the film "a riveting examination of justice denied through political manipulation and prosecutorial callousness."The film earned the Henry Hampton Award for Excellence in Film and Digital Media, presented by the Council on Foundations, and the Pursuit of Justice Award, presented by the California Women's Law Center.
The film was funded by the Sundance Documentary Fund, the San Francisco Foundation, the Lynn and Jules Kroll Fund for Jewish Documentary Film at the Foundation for Jewish Culture, the Pacific Pioneer Fund, the Bay Area Video Coalition, the Women in Film Foundation Film Finishing Fund supported by Netflix, the Jewish Federation of the Greater East Bay, and Jewish Family and Children's Services of San Francisco.
In May 2011, the film won the Golden Gate Award for Documentary Feature at the 54th annual San Francisco International Film Festival.
The film has been picked up by the Oprah Winfrey Network for broadcast and home video distribution
Movie Synopsis
n 1983, Deborah Peagler, a woman brutally abused by her boyfriend, was sentenced to 25 years-to-life for her connection to his murder. Twenty years later, as she languished in prison, a California law allowing incarcerated domestic-violence survivors to reopen their cases was passed. Enter a pair of rookie land-use attorneys convinced that with the incontrovertible evidence that existed, they could free Deborah in a matter of months. What they didn’t know was the depth of corruption and politically driven resistance they’d encounter, sending them down a nightmarish, bureaucratic rabbit hole of injustice. The outrageous twists and turns in this consummately crafted saga are enough to keep us on the edge of our seats. Meanwhile, the spirit, fortitude, and love all three characters marshal in the face of this wrenching marathon is nothing short of miraculous. We fall in love with the remarkable triumvirate as they battle a warped criminal-justice system and test whether it’s beyond repair.
Movie Trailer
Crime After Crime Trailer
Movie Credit
Director: Yoav Potash
Stars: Deborah Peagler, Tennille Williams and Joshua Safran
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