Happy Feet Two (also known as Happy Feet Two in 3D) is an upcoming computer-animated film directed by George Miller, who co-directed the original film Happy Feet. Animal Logic Films in Santa Monica, California, and Dr. D Studios in Sydney, Australia are producing the film which is currently set to premier in North American theaters on November 18, 2011 in RealD 3D and IMAX 3D. The film will be released with a Looney Tunes short called Daffy's Rhapsody.
Movie Synopsis
Tap-dancing penguin Mumble (Wood) has a son, Erik, who is struggling to realize his talents in the Emperor Penguin world. Meanwhile, Mumble and his family and friends discover a new threat their world -- one that will take everyone working together to save them.
Movie Trailer
Happy Feet 2 in 3D Trailer
MOvie Credit
Director: George Miller
Writers: George Miller, Warren Coleman (co-writer)
Stars: Elijah Wood, Robin Williams and Pink
Movie Synopsis
Tap-dancing penguin Mumble (Wood) has a son, Erik, who is struggling to realize his talents in the Emperor Penguin world. Meanwhile, Mumble and his family and friends discover a new threat their world -- one that will take everyone working together to save them.
Movie Trailer
Happy Feet 2 in 3D Trailer
MOvie Credit
Director: George Miller
Writers: George Miller, Warren Coleman (co-writer)
Stars: Elijah Wood, Robin Williams and Pink
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